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Kinematics and EMG

開催日 2014/9/11
時間 16:00 - 17:00
会場 Poster / Exhibition(Event Hall B)

Effect of trans-vertebral magnetic stimulation on vital signs

  • P1-114
  • 西村 幸男 / Yukio Nishimura:1,2,3 笹田 周作 / Syusaku Sasada:1 門脇 傑 / Suguru Kadowaki:4 加藤 健治 / Kenji Kato:1 八尾 弥起 / Yaoki Nakao:1,3 村山 尊司 / Takashi Murayama:7 吉田 晋 / Susumu Yoshida:5 飯塚 正之 / Masayuki Iizuka:7 小宮山 伴与志 / Tomoyoshi Komiyama:6 宇川 義一 / Yoshikazu Ugawa:4 
  • 1:自然科学研究機構 生理学研究所 / Department of Developmental Physiology, National Institutes for Physiolosical Sciences 2:科学技術振興機構さきがけ / PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan 3:総合研究大学院大学生命科学研究科 / Life Science, The Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies, Aichi, Japan 4:福島県立医科大学医学部神経内科 / Dept. of Neurology, Fukushima Medical Univ., Fukushima, Japan 5:北海道医療大学リハビリテーション科学部 / School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Sciences Univ. of Hokkaido, Hokkaido, Japan 6:千葉大学教育学部 / Faculty of Education, Chiba Univ, Chiba, Japan 7:千葉県千葉リハビリテーションセンター / Chiba Rehabilitation Center, Chiba, Japan 

Magnetic stimulation is one of technique to activate central nervous and peripheral nervous systems non-invasively. We previously reported that volitionally controlled trans-vertebral magnetic stimulation (TVMS) to the lumbar vertebra could activate spinal neural circuit producing walking behavior of legs. Although the TVMS around lumbar vertebra may activate autonomic system as well as motor and sensory systems, it is largely unknown how the effect to the autonomic system is brought by the TVMS. To ensure the safety of participants, we recorded vital signs during TVMS. TVMS was applied on lumbar vertebra. The intensity of TVMS was 60 % of maximum output of stimulator. The frequency was modulated between 1 to 18 Hz. The neurologically-normal participants (n=23) were asked to control the frequency of TVMS by the level of finger muscle activity to induce walking-like behavior. Heart rate and SpO2, were recorded before, during and after TVMS. Blood pressure as recorded before and after TVMS. Participants were also asked to report a feeling if they feel some discomfort or pain sensation by the TVMS at a stimulation site. There were no change of heart rate and SpO2 before, during and after TVMS. The TVMS did not also induce modulation of blood pressure. Participants did not report the discomfort and pain feeling by TVMS around L2-L3 intervertebral which was hot spot inducing walking behavior, although they reported discomfort and pain feeling when the TVMS was applied more caudal or rostral part of lumbar vertebra. Participants reported discomfort and pain feeling as intensity of magnetic stimuli increased. These results suggest that TVMS to the lumbar vertebral do not induce serious problem in autonomic system. TVMS around L2-L3 intervertebral is optimal site to induce walking behavior without discomfort.

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