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Oculomotor System

開催日 2014/9/11
時間 17:00 - 18:00
会場 Room H(304)
Chairperson(s) 杉内 友理子 / Yuriko Sugiuchi (東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科システム神経生理学 / Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
伊澤 佳子 / Yoshiko Izawa (東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 システム神経生理学 / Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)

Separation of fixation micro-eye movement from micro-head motion using the video-oculogram method

  • O1-H-5-1
  • 田中 靖人 / Yasuto Tanaka:1 藤江 博幸 / Hiroyuki Fujie:2 七五三木 聡 / Satoshi Shimegi:3 
  • 1:神経数理学研究所 / Neuro-Mathematics Laboratory, Japan 2:株式会社三城 / Development Section, Paris-Miki Inc., Himeji, Japan 3:大阪大学 / Dept Medicine, Univ of Osaka, Osaka, Japan 

Although fixation micro eye movements are classified into three types: 1. flicks (micro-saccades), 2. drifts, and 3. tremors according to its order of magnitude, details are unknown as to drift and tremor, due to the technical difficulties in extracting small signals from noise. One problem is that eye motion detection is contaminated by head movement to a variety of direction in three dimensional space. Here, we attempt to dissociate micro eye movement from such head motion by a novel method of fixating the head in the lying down position. Video occulograms (VOG) were recorded simultaneously as to head position (Tanaka et al. 2013) as well as the micro eye movements. Timing was controlled by the electrically triggered signals, and eye and head motion tracking were carried out independently by the SURF image tracking method. Eye and head coordinates were calculated and combined by a three dimensional affine transformation to a unified coordinate, and pure eye motion components were separated from head motion signals. Our result shows that, during the fixation task, there are head motion components with a magnitude range between 10 to 50 micro meters, whose range is equivalent to the reported tremor and drift eye movements. Furthermore, micro eye movements were separated from the head motion, found to be the magnitude by 5 to 50 micrometers. These results characterize the spatial-temporal details of miniature eye movements in its micrometer order, independent of the micro meter order of head motion.

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