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Reward and Motivation

開催日 2014/9/12
時間 17:10 - 18:10
会場 Room H(304)
Chairperson(s) 松元 健二 / Kenji Matsumoto (玉川大学脳科学研究所 / Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, Japan)
髙橋 英彦 / Hidehiko Takahashi (京都大学大学院医学研究科脳病態生理学講座精神医学教室 / Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medecine, Japan)

Conditioning and Extinction Learning of Visceral Pain in Human- an fMRI Study

  • O2-H-5-1
  • 鹿野 理子 / Michiko Kano:1,2,3 Coen Steven J / Steven J Coen:3 Farmer Adam D / Adam D Farmer:3 Gampietro Vincent / Vincent Gampietro:4 Brammer Michael / Michael Brammer:4 福土 審 / Shin Fukudo:2 Qasim Aziz / Aziz Qasim:3 
  • 1:東北大学 / Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku Univ, Japan 2:東北大学大学院医学系研究科行動医学分野 / Behavioral Medicine, Graduate School of Tohoku Univ, Japnan 3:Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology, London, UK / Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology, London, UK 4:King’s College London, Department of Neuroimaging, London, UK / King’s College London, Department of Neuroimaging, London, UK 

Learning and memory mechanisms involved in the processing of internal bodily sensations may be relevant for elucidating the pathophysiology of functional somatic disorders. We investigated brain processing during associative learning and modification of the learned response to visceral pain using a classical conditioning paradigm and mechanical oesophageal stimulation.
Twenty two healthy subjects (11 males) participated in an fMRI study. During acquisition, half of visual conditioning stimuli (coloured square: CS+) was paired with painful oesophageal distension as unconditioned stimuli (US) and different coloured square were presented as non-conditioned stimuli (CS-). First extinction phase immediately followed acquisition and CS+ and CS- were presented without US. Second extinction phase was conducted after 20 minutes of first extinction phase to study the spontaneous recovery of conditioning response (CR).
During acquisition phase, CS+ without pain compared to CS- induced greater activation in the visceral pain matrix including the thalamus, insula, caudate, midbrain, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), supplementary motor area (SMA), inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and cerebellum. During first extinction phase, CS+ compared to CS- showed greater brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in addition to the visceral pain matrix. During second extinction phase, CS+ compared to CS- demonstrated greater activation in the hippocampus, mPFC, dlPFC, insula, ACC, IPL, SMA and cerebellum. All brain data was significant at least level p < 0.05 (corrected).
Conclusions: CR using visceral pain produced a neural response in the absence of physical visceral pain similar to that occurs during actual visceral pain. Frontal cortex activity including mPFC and dlPFC may play an important role in extinction learning to regulate acquired CR. The activation in the hippocampus may be associated with memory retrieval of CR after extinction.

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