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脳血管障害と虚血 2
Cerebrovascular Disease and Ischemia 2

開催日 2014/9/13
時間 18:10 - 19:10
会場 Room I(311+312)
Chairperson(s) 冨本 秀和 / Hidekazu Tomimoto (三重大学大学院 医学系研究科 神経病態内科学 / Department of Neurology, Mie University, Japan)
阿部 康二 / Koji Abe (岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科神経病態内科学(神経内科) / Department of Neurology, Okayama University, Japan)

脳梗塞境界領域での超急性期-脳浮腫発生に関する7-T MRIによる解析
Ultra-early analysis of cerebral edema formation in the infarct marginal zone using 7T-MRI in mice

  • O3-I-6-1
  • 中城 有香子 / Yukako Nakajo:1,2 趙 強 / Qiang ZHAO:1,3 圓見 純一郎 / Jun-ichiro ENMI:4 飯田 秀博 / Hidehiro IIDA:4 髙橋 淳 / Jun C. TAKAHASHI:3 柳本 広二 / Hiroji YANAMOTO:1,5 
  • 1:国立循環器病研究センター研究所 疾患分子研究室 / Lab. of Neurol. and Neurosurg., Natl. Cerebral and Cardiovasc. Center, Japan 2:洛和会音羽病院 研究室 / Res. Lab., Rakuwa-kai Otowa Hosp., Kyoto, Japan 3:国立循環器病研究センター 脳神経外科 / Dept. of Neurosurg., Natl. Cerebral and Cardiovasc. Res. Ctr., Suita, Osaka, Japan 4:国立循環器病研究センター研究所 画像診断医学部 / Department of bio-medical imaging, Natl. Cerebral and Cardiovasc. Ctr. Res. Inst., Suita, Osaka, Japan 5:大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科 外科系臨床医学 循環制御医学 / Dept. of Cardiovasc. Science, Div. of Surgical Med., Osaka Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Suita, Osaka, Japan 

A significant prolongation of T2 relaxation time after induction of focal ischemia indicates the development of cerebral edema. However, the precise dynamics in the ultra-acute phase are yet to be clarified. We analyzed the changes in these signal intensities beginning one hour after focal ischemia/reperfusion.
The three vessel occlusion (3-VO) method (Yang & Nakajo et al. 2014) was used in C57BL/6J mice. Development of the infarct lesion with cerebral edema was analyzed using a 7-T Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. T2-weighted coronal images were acquired using RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement technique). The MRI scan was performed 60 minutes after reperfusion, and repeated every 30-60 minutes for a total of 9 hours. The signal intensities were normalized by the corresponding contralateral (intact) area to calculate signal intensity ratios. We selected the following four regions: 1. Lateral half of the infarct border zone; 2. Medial half of the infarct border zone; 3. Ischemic core, 4. Intact zone lateral to the border zone; according to the TTC stain performed 24 hours after reperfusion in the same brain.
A significant increase in T2-R was detected one hour after reperfusion at region-1 (1.099, P > 0.001), 2.5 hours after reperfusion at region-2 (1.108, P > 0.001), and 4 hours after reperfusion at region-3 (1.110, P > 0.001).
One hour after reperfusion, T2-R values significantly increased in the area peripheral to the ischemic core where most neurons survive, but not in the medial half (ischemic penumbra) or the ischemic core where most or all neurons die within 24 hours. Benign cerebral edema that develops in the area surrounding the ischemic penumbra was detected in the ultra-early phase after ischemia/reperfusion using 7-T MRI.

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