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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

開催日 2014/9/13
時間 11:00 - 12:00
会場 Poster / Exhibition(Event Hall B)

動物介在活動中の自閉症スペクトラム障害児に生起する笑顔はポジテイブな社会的行動を促進し、ネガテイブな社会的行動を減少させる -笑顔識別インタフェイスを用いた定量的解析ー
The smiles of children with autism spectrum disorder during animal-assisted activities may facilitate their positive social behaviors and decrease negative social behaviors -Quantitative analysis with smile-detecting

  • P3-325
  • 舟橋 厚 / Atsushi Funahashi:1 Gruebler Anna / Anna Gruebler:2 青木 健 / Takeshi Aoki:3 廣川 暢一 / Masakazu Hirokawa:4 門根 秀樹 / Hideki Kadone:5 鈴木 健嗣 / Kenji Suzuki:5,6 
  • 1:愛知県心身障害者コロニー 発達障害研究所 / Dept Educ and Social Service, Institute Devel Res, Aichi Human Service Center, Aichi, Japan 2:Sch Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Univ. Essex, Colchester UK / Sch Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Univ. Essesx, Colchester, UK 3:中部アニマルセラピー協会 / Chubu Animal-assisted Therapy Association, Aichi, Japan 4:筑波大学システム情報系 / Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Univeristy of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 5:筑波大学サイバニクス研究センター / Center for Cybernics Res, Univ Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 6:日本科学技術振興機構 / Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan 

We quantitatively measured the smiles of 6 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD-C) using a wearable interface device during animal-assisted activities (AAA) for 7 months, and compared the results with 6 normal control children of the same age. The children voluntarily participated in this study. The behavior of the participants during AAA was video-recorded and coded by the medical examiner (ME). Our major new findings are 1)the development of smile related EMG signals were found in session 4 of 5 ASD-C, 2) significant statistical differences in smiles were found between two groups in session 1, 2, and 3 (Mann-Whitney U-test, p<0.01), but the average smiles of ASD-C increased through sessions and reached the level of the average smiles of control children in session 4, 3) positive social behaviors (PSB) increased as the sessions proceeded. However the absolute value of the PSB of ASD-C was very small compared with that of the control group throughout 4 successive sessions and this is statistically evidenced (Mann-Whitney U-test, p<0.01), 4) PSB increased when the smile increased in both groups. The distribution concerning with the relationship between smiles and PSB of the ASD-C consisted of two different clusters in a lower zone and in an intermediate zone and 5) the averaged accumulative percentile of negative social behaviors (NSB) of 6 ASD-C converged to zero when smiles increased through session 1 to session 4. These findings suggest that by leading the ASD-C into a social environment that may cause smiling, the children's PSB may be facilitated and their NSB may be decreased.

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