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Somatosensory System

開催日 2014/9/13
時間 11:00 - 12:00
会場 Poster / Exhibition(Event Hall B)

ラット三叉神経節 in vivo 細胞内記録標識法により可視化されたヒゲ棍棒状神経終末の機能形態学的特性
Three dimensional reconstruction of trigeminal ganglion cell processes labeled by intracellular injection: Emphasis on club-like endings

  • P3-157
  • 外村 宗達 / Sotatsu Tonomura:1 榎原 智美 / Satomi Ebara:1 Meir Inbal / Inbal Meir:2 Bagdasarian Knarik / Knarik Bagdasarian:2 黒田 大地 / Daichi Kuroda:1 歌 大介 / Daisuke Uta:3 古江 秀昌 / Hidemasa Furue:3 古田 貴寛 / Takahiro Furuta:4 Ahissar Ehud / Ehud Ahissar:2 熊本 賢三 / Kenzo Kumamoto:1 
  • 1:明国医大・解剖 / Dept Anatomy, Meiji Univ of Integrative Med, Kyoto, Japan 2:ワイツマン科学研・神経生物 / Dept Neurobiol, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 3:生理研・生体情報・神経シグナル / Dept Information Physiol, Div Neural Signaling, NIPS, Okazaki, Japan 4:京都大院・医・高次脳形態 / Dept Morphological Brain Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan 

Primary somatosensory neurons are pseudo-unipolar cells having cell bodies located in a sensory ganglion. In this study, both the peripheral and central terminations of these neurons, as well as their firing characteristics, were identified and characterized, using intracellular labeling and recording in the rat trigeminal ganglia in vivo. Seven of 21 successfully labeled neurons terminated as club-like endings in the follicle sinus complex of the facial skin. All neurons responded to deflection of their corresponding whisker. Duration at base time and half width of action potentials of the club-like endings (n=7) were significantly smaller in comparison to those of other types of endings including Merkel endings (n=14). The peripheral processes of 5 of the 7 club-like endings did not branch between the cell body and the terminal. In contrast, all seven central branches displayed abundant collaterals that terminated within trigeminal nuclei. Analyses of serial semi-thin sections showed club-like endings to be arranged side by side along a cylindrically-shaped narrow belt zone around the follicle. The ringwulst protruded and suspended from the belt zone toward the ring sinus. Club-like endings were closely associated with fibrils of the ringwulst, but they were separated by a tiny space from the glassy membrane. Approximately 50 club-like endings were associated with each ringwulst, but club-like endings were not situated at the open end of the ringwulst. Our findings indicate that about one-third of the primary afferents (~50/150) innervate a single small zone of the ringwulst and project this information to numerous neurons within most areas of the trigeminal nuclei. We propose that the club-like endings are sensitive to momentum changes and in this way may encode the kinematics of the follicle during whisker protraction or retraction.

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