Analysis of interrelationships among slow changes in cerebral and other physiological signals by using directed cohenrence function
- P2-393
- 山崎 享子 / Kyoko Yamazaki:1 舟根 司 / Tsukasa Funane:2 木口 雅史 / Masashi Kiguchi:2 平澤 愛 / Ai Hirasawa:3 小河 繁彦 / Shigehiko Ogoh:1 田中 尚樹 / Naoki Tanaka:1
- 1:東洋大学 / Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Toyo University 2:(株)日立製作所 中央研究所 / Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd 3:東洋大学大学院 理工学研究科 / Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Toyo University