Japan - Australia Collaborative Symposium:How can animal models inform us about human brain disease
開催日 | 2014/9/13 |
時間 | 15:00 - 17:00 |
会場 | Room C(502) |
Chairperson(s) | Seong-Seng Tan / Seong-Seng Tan (Florey Institute of Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Australia / Florey Institute of Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Australia) 大隅 典子 / Noriko Osumi (東北大学大学院医学系研究科 / Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Center for Neuroscience, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan) |
How PTEN keep neurons alive after stroke and injury
- S3-C-2-1
- Seong-Seng Tan:1
- 1:University of Melbourne, Australia
An epigenetic model for gene and environmental risks for the onset of neurodevelopmental disorders
- S3-C-2-2
- 大隅 典子 / Noriko Osumi:1 木村 龍一 / Ryuichi Kimura:1 吉崎 嘉一 / kaichi Yoshizaki:1 稲田 仁 / Hitoshi Inada:1
- 1:東北大学 / Dept Devel Neurosci, CTAAR, Tohoku Univ. Sch. Med., Japan
A Transmembrane Protein Teneurin-4 Positively Regulates Neural and Glial Protrusion Formation through Focal Adhesion Kinase Signaling
- S3-C-2-3
- 赤澤 智宏 / Chihiro Akazawa:1 鈴木 喜晴 / Nobuharu Suzuki:1 馬渕 洋Yo Mabuchi
- 1:東京医科歯科大学大学院 / Dept. Biophysics and Biochem, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Attention-like defects in a Drosophila model of schizophrenia
- S3-C-2-4
- Bruno Van Swinderen:1
- 1:Queensland Brain Institute, Australia