Effects of hormonal change during pregnancy and postpartum on the neuronal morphology and the expression of estrogen receptor α in the amygdala
- P3-192
- 松尾 精記 / Seiki Matsuo:1,2 松田 賢一 / Ken-ichi Matsuda:2 北脇 城 / Jo Kitawaki:1 河田 光博 / Mitsuhiro Kawata:2
- 1:京府医大医・産婦人科 / Dept obst and gynecol, Kyoto Prefectural Univ of Med, Kyoto, Japan 2:京府医大医解剖・生体構造科学 / Dept Anat and neurobiol, Kyoto prefectural Univ of Med, Kyoto, Japan