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開催日 2014/9/13
時間 11:00 - 12:00
会場 Poster / Exhibition(Event Hall B)

Impaired multisensory responses in the posterior parietal cortex of mice with a reduced cluster number of protocadherin-α

  • P3-177
  • 吉武 講平 / Kohei Yoshitake:1 塚野 浩明 / Hiroaki Tsukano:1 任海 学 / Manabu Tohmi:1 菱田 竜一 / Ryuichi Hishida:1 八木 健 / Takeshi Yagi:2,3 澁木 克栄 / Katsuei Shibuki:1,3 
  • 1:新潟大・脳研・システム脳生理 / Dept Neurophysiol, BRI , Niigata Univ 2:阪大院・生命機能・心生物 / KOKORO-Biology, Grad. Sch. of Frontier Biosci, Osaka Univ 3:JST, CREST / JST, CREST 

Multisensory integration is performed in the cortical association area. Mice navigate nearby space using their vision and whiskers, and young mice must learn to integrate these heterogeneous inputs in perceptual space. We have previously reported that cortical depression was induced by spatial misalignment between visual and whisker inputs in the primary visual cortex (V1) of young mice that had worn a monocular prism goggle. This prism-induced depression was not observed in mice with trimmed whiskers or lesions the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Partial depression of the visual responses with spatial eccentricity and the resulting map shifts may alleviate the spatial misalignment. To test this possibility, we investigated the retinotopic maps in control mice and mice that had worn the prism goggle. We found that uniform medial shifts of cortical responses in V1 of mice that had worn the prism goggle. These results indicate that visuotactile misalignment between whisker and visual inputs may be detected in PPC, and may induce visual cortical depression and visual map shifts. Therefore, we investigated neuronal activities in PPC using flavoprotein fluorescence imaging. Visual stimulation alone or whisker stimulation alone hardly activated PPC in anesthetized mice. However, anti-phase combination of moving grating patterns with anterior-posterior direction and whisker stimulation with the opposite direction produced clear activity in PPC. In contrast, in-phase combination of grating patterns and whisker stimulation failed to produce any clear activity in PPC. Clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs) are neuron-specific cell adhesion molecules with multiple clusters. Both of the prism-induced depression in V1 and the PPC activity induced by the anti-phase combination of visual and whisker stimulation were impaired in cPcdh-α1,12 mice, which have α1 and α12 but not α2-11 clusters of cPcdh-α. These results strongly suggest that the cluster number of cPcdh-α is very important for the visuotactile plasticity in V1 and PPC functions.

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