視覚 1
Visual System 1
開催日 | 2014/9/11 |
時間 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
会場 | Room G(303) |
Chairperson(s) | 大澤 五住 / Izumi Ohzawa (大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科 / Graduate School of Frontier Bioscience, Osaka University, Japan) 立花 政夫 / Masao Tachibana (東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 / Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters, Japan) |
The First Stage of Cardinal Direction Selectivity Is Localized to the Dendrites of Retinal Ganglion Cells
- O1-G-1-1
- 米原 圭祐 / Keisuke Yonehara:1 Farrow Karl / Karl Farrow:1 Ghanem Alexander / Alexander Ghanem:2 Hillier Daniel / Daniel Hillier:1 Balint Kamill / Kamill Balint:1,3 Teixeira Miguel / Miguel Teixeira:1,3 Jüttner Josephine / Josephine Jüttner:1 野田 昌晴 / Masaharu Noda:4 Neve Rachael L / Rachael L Neve:5 Conzelman Karl-Klau / Karl-Klaus Conzelmann:2
- 1:Neural Circuit Laboratories, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland / Neural Circuit Laboratories, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland 2:Max von Pettenkofer-Institute & Gene Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany / Max von Pettenkofer-Institute & Gene Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany 3:University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland / University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 4:Division of Molecular Neurobiology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Aichi, / Division of Molecular Neurobiology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan 5:Viral Gene Transfer Core, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA / Viral Gene Transfer Core, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Inferring the direction of image motion is a fundamental component of visual computation and essential for visually guided behavior. In the retina, the direction of image motion is computed in four cardinal directions, but it is not known at which circuit location along the flow of visual information the cardinal direction selectivity first appears. We recorded the concerted activity of the neuronal circuit elements of single direction-selective (DS) retinal ganglion cells at subcellular resolution by combining GCaMP3-functionalized transsynaptic viral tracing and two-photon imaging. While the visually evoked activity of the dendritic segments of the DS cells were direction selective, direction-selective activity was absent in the axon terminals of bipolar cells. Furthermore, the glutamate input to DS cells, recorded using a genetically encoded glutamate sensor, also lacked direction selectivity. Therefore, the first stage in which extraction of a cardinal motion direction occurs is the dendrites of DS cells.