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Cerebellum/Basal Ganglia

開催日 2014/9/11
時間 15:00 - 16:00
会場 Room H(304)
Chairperson(s) 小林 康 / Yasushi Kobayashi (大阪大学 / Osaka University, Japan)
疋田 貴俊 / Takatoshi Hikida (京都大学大学院医学研究科メディカルイノベーションセンター / Medical Innovation Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)

Anti-Parkinsonian drugs and the motor cortical plasticity induced by quadri-pulse magnetic stimulation (QPS)

  • O1-H-4-4
  • 花島 律子 / Ritsuko Hanajima:1 田中 信行 / Nobuyuki Tanaka:2 堤 涼介 / Ryosuke Tsutsumi:1 清水 崇宏 / Takahiro Shimizu:2 寺尾 安生 / Yasuo Terao:2 榎本 博之 / Hiroyuki Enomoto:3 宇川 義一 / Yoshikazu Ugawa:3 
  • 1:北里大学・医・神経内科 / Dept Neurol, Kitasato Univ School of Med, Kanagawa, Japan 2:東京大学・医・神経内科 / Dept Neurol, Univ of Tokyo, Graduate school of med, Tokyo, Japan 3:福島県立医大・医・神経内科 / Dept Neurol, Fukushima Med Univ, Fukushima, Japan 

For inducing long term potentiation or depression (LTP/LTD), dopamine is known to have important roles. In animal model of Parkinson's disease, LTP/LTD was not induced, and dopamine replacement restored the plastic function. In this investigation, we studied effects of ani-Parkinsonian drugs on the motor cortical plasticity induced by quadripulse stimulation (QPS), a newly developed repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), in normal subjects.

Double-blinded crossover study was performed in 24 healthy subjects (12 men and 12 women; aged 65.8±2.4 years old). They received a single-dose of ZNS (25mg), LDOPA (200mg) or placebo. Two hours after the drug intake, we measured relax and active motor threshold (RMT/AMT), and recorded the baseline motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from the right hand muscle. In QPS, one burst consists of four monophasic TMS pulses separated by inter-stimulus intervals of 5ms, and the burst was given every 5sec for 30min. The stimulus intensity of QPS was set at 90% of AMT. MEPs were recorded every 5 minutes up to 30 minites and 10 minites from 30 to 60 minutes after the QPS. The time courses of MEP amplitude were compared using two-factors measured ANOVA (the factors: time interval after QPS and drugs given).

None of the RMT, AMT, baseline MEP, and the used single pulse TMS intensity were significantly different among the ZNS, LDOPA and placebo groups. MEPs were enlarged after QPS in all groups. The MEP enhancement was significantly larger in LDOPA and ZNS groups than the placebo group.

ZNS enhanced motor cortical LTP like effect by QPS similarly to L-Dopa. The LTP enhancement effect by ZNS shown here may partly explain its anti-Parkinsonian effect.

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