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報酬 1
Reward 1

開催日 2014/9/12
時間 15:00 - 16:00
会場 Room H(304)
Chairperson(s) 古久保-徳永 克男 / Katsuo Furukubo-Toku (筑波大学生命環境系 / Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
掛山 正心 / Masaki Kakeyama (長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 神経機能学分野 / Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Granduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Japan)

Induction of Associative Olfactory Memory by Targeted Activation of the Memory Circuits in Drosophila Larvae

  • O2-H-3-1
  • 本多 隆利 / Takato Honda:1 李 其育 / Chi-Yu Lee:2 吉田-樫川 真樹 / Maki Yoshida-Kashikawa:2 本庄 賢 / Ken Honjo:2 古久保-徳永 克男 / Katsuo Furukubo-Tokunaga:2 
  • 1:筑波大院・ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラム / Ph.D. Program in Human Biology, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan 2:筑波大院・生命環境科学 / Grad School of Life and Environmental Sci, Univ of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan 

Induction of Associative Olfactory Memory by Targeted Activation of the Memory Circuits in Drosophila Larvae

Takato Honda1,2, Chi-Yu Lee2, Maki Yoshida-Kasikawa2, Ken Honjo2 and Katsuo Furukubo-Tokunaga2

1. Ph.D. Program in Human Biology, School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba, Japan
2. Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been used as a model animal for the study of the genetic and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. In particular, with simple and identifiable neural networks, Drosophila larvae provide an ideal system for elucidation of underlying neurocircuitry mechanisms. Previous works showed that synaptic output from octopaminergic (OA) neurons is necessary for appetitive memory formation. Signals of OA neurons are integrated with the olfactory information pathway at two prominent brain structures, antennal lobes and mushroom bodies, to establish appetitive associative memory trace. In this study, we took the advantages of optogenetic and thermogenetic techniques to study the neurocuircuitry mechanism of memory induction in flies. We substituted sugar reward stimuli by thermogenetic activation of OA neurons with the dTrpA1 channel, and odor stimuli by optical activation of a specific class of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) with Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2). We showed that targeted activation of the converging memory circuitry with blue light and heat produces associative memory in the transgenic larvae. We also showed that memory thus produced is specific to the odorant determined by the type of the activated ORNs. Furthermore, we successfully demonstrated that this artificial olfactory memory persists for medium term, and as stable as natural memory produced by the activation of multiple ORNs using a real odorant. Given its simplicity and robustness, this method could be utilized to further our knowledge on the neurocuircuitry mechanisms of memory in the brain.

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