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Social Behavior

開催日 2014/9/12
時間 11:00 - 12:00
会場 Poster / Exhibition(Event Hall B)

The impact of social hierarchy on DNA methylation in medial prefrontal cortex of laboratory mice

  • P2-279
  • 村上 貴大 / Takahiro Murakami:1 平井 知里 / Chisato Hirai:2 土田 智華子 / Chikako Tsuchida:2 渡辺 美樹 / Miki Watanabe:2 岩田 久彌 / Hisaya Iwata:1 山室 裕 / Yutaka Yamamuro:1,2 
  • 1:日本大院・生物資源・生産科学 / Grad Sch of Bioresource Sci, Nihon Univ, Kanagawa, Japan 2:日本大・生物資源・動物資源 / Dept Anim Sci, Coll Bioresource Sci, Nihon Univ, Kanagawa, Japan 

In laboratory animals, many reports indicate that strain-specific phenotypes, such as behavioral traits, reproductive, and immunological function, etc., alter by the difference of social rank established between individuals. It is easily supposed that these alterations are induced via epigenetic modifications, the mechanism, however, remains largely unclear. In the present study we focused on DNA methylation, one of the representational epigenetic modifications, and investigated the matter described below: (a) alteration of genomic DNA methylation patterns by dominant (DOM)-subordinate (SUB) relationship, (b) specification of genes involved in the modification of DNA methylation under these conditions. ICR male mice aged 8 weeks were housed in pairs. To determine the hierarchical relation within the social group, mice were exposed to novel environment and analyzed the frequency of agonistic behavior each other. At three weeks after the onset of housing, methylation-sensitive arbitrarily primed PCR (MS-AP-PCR) method was exerted to analyze the pattern of genomic DNA methylation in medial prefrontal cortex region (mPFC), where is one of the regions concerning with the determination of DOM-SUB relationship. As a result, the difference of DNA methylation patterns was found between DOM and SUB. Following a MS-AP-PCR, the expression of DNA methylation-related genes was analyzed by RT-qPCR. The expression of DNA methyltransferase 3a (Dnmt3a) gene in DOM mice was significantly lower than that in SUB and the control animals (non-social group), whereas subjects that isolated for a week after the establishment of DOM-SUB relationship were equal to the control. Additionally, levels of Dnmt3a protein measured by western blot analysis in each group almost coincided with that of the gene expression. These results suggested that the suppression of de novo DNA methylation induced at least by the down-regulation of Dnmt3a in mPFC of DOM animals might be essential for maintaining the social hierarchical relationship.

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