アルツハイマー病、他の認知症、老化 2
Alzheimer's Disease, Other Dementia, Aging 2
開催日 | 2014/9/11 |
時間 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
会場 | Room I(311+312) |
Chairperson(s) | 山田 麻紀 / Maki K. Yamada (東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 代謝生理化学分野 / Department of Physiological Chemistry and Metabolism, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan) 西村 正樹 / Masaki Nishimura (滋賀医科大学分子神経科学研究センター / Moleculer Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan) |
Diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in normal mice is mediated by 1,25D3-MARRS
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- 東田 千尋 / Chihiro Tohda:1 李 英娥 / Young-A Lee:2 後藤 幸織 / Yukiori Goto:2 ネメレ イルカ / Ilka Nemere:3
- 1:富山大学・和漢医薬学総合研究所 / Div Neuromedical Science, Inst Natural Med, Univ of Toyama, Japan 2:京都大学・霊長類研究所・認知学習 / Cognition and Learning Sec, Primate Research Inst, Kyoto Univ, Japan 3:Dept Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences, Utah State Univ, Logan, US / Dept Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences, Utah State Univ, Logan, US
The effect of DcR3 on modulating microglia activation phenotypes and cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease animal model
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- Irene Cheng:1 Yi-ling Liu:1
- 1:National Yang Ming University, Taiwan
DR improves memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease model mice, 5xFAD, and attenuates amyloid β-induced axonal atrophy
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- Zhiyou Yang:1 Tomoharu Kuboyama:1 Chihiro Tohda:1
- 1:Div. of Neuromedical Sci., Institute of Natural Medicine, Univ. of Toyama, Toyama, Japan
ILEI reduces amyloid-β generation by destabilizing APP-C99
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- 劉 磊 / Lei Liu:1 長谷川 浩史 / Hiroshi Hasegawa:1 遠山 育夫 / Ikuo Tooyama:1 村山 繁雄 / Shigeo Murayama:2 西村 正樹 / Masaki Nishimura:1
- 1:滋賀医科大学分子神経科学研究センター / Mol Neurosci Res Cent, Shiga Univ of Med Sci, Shiga, Japan 2:東京都健康長寿医療センター神経病理学 / Dept of Neuropathol, Tokyo Met Inst of Gerontol, Tokyo, Japan