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The Hand: New approach for elucidating its sensorimotor function

  • Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
  • 3S10a-2
  • 関 和彦 / Kazuhiko Seki:1,2 
  • 1:国立精神・神経セ神経研モデル動物 / Dept Neurophysiol, National Inst Neurosci., NCNP 2:JSTさきがけ / JST-PRESTO 


The Hand: New approach for elucidating its sensorimotor function

  • Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
  • 3S10a-3
  • Marco Santello:1 
  • 1:Arizona State University 


The Hand: New approach for elucidating its sensorimotor function

  • Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
  • 3S10a-4
  • 荻原 直道 / Naomichi Ogihara:1 
  • 1:慶應義塾大理工機械 / Dept Mech Eng, Keio Univ, Yokohama, Japan 


The Hand: New approach for elucidating its sensorimotor function

  • Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
  • 3S10a-5
  • Alexander Kraskov:1 Roland Philipp:1,2 Stephan Waldert:1 Ganesh Vigneswaran:1 Roger N Lemon:1 
  • 1:UCL Institute of Neurology 2:National Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Neurophysiology 


The Hand: New approach for elucidating its sensorimotor function

  • Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
  • 3S10a-6
  • 古屋 晋一 / Shinichi Furuya:1,2 Nitsche A Michael / Michael A Nitsche:3 Paulus Walter / Walter Paulus:3 Altenmuller Eckart / Eckart Altenmuller:2 
  • 1:上智大理工情報理工 / Dept of Info and Comm Sci, Sophia Univ, Tokyo, Japan 2:ハノーファー音楽演劇大学 音楽生理学音楽家医学研究所,ハノーファー,ドイツ / Inst Music Physiol Musicians Med, Hannover Univ of Music, Drama, and Media, Hannover Germany 3:ゲッティンゲン大学 医学部,ゲッティンゲン,ドイツ / University Medical Center, Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-1
  • 高橋 秀人 / Hideto Takahashi:1 
  • 1:モントリオール臨床医学研究所、モントリオール、カナダ / Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal, Montreal, Canada 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-2
  • Lu Chen:1 
  • 1:Stanford University School of Medicine 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-3
  • 松田 恵子 / Keiko Matsuda:1,2 柚崎 通介 / Michisuke Yuzaki:1,2 Timotheus Budisantoso / Budisantoso Timotheus:1,2 
  • 1:慶應義塾大学医学部生理学 / Dept Physiol, School of Medicine, Keio Univ 2:CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency / CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-4
  • 深田 正紀 / Masaki Fukata:1,2 関谷 敦志 / Atsush Sekiya:1,2 村上 達郎 / Tatsuro Murakami:1,2 横井 紀彦 / Norihiko Yokoi:1,2 小林 憲太 / Kenta Kobayashi:2,3 深田 優子 / Yuko Fukata:1,2 
  • 1:生理研細胞器官研究系生体膜 / Div Memb Physiol, NIPS, Aichi, Japan 2:総研大院生命科学生理 / Dept Physiol Sci, SOKENDAI, Aichi, Japan 3:生理研ウイルス開発 / Sect Viral Vector Dev, NIPS, Aichi, Japan 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-5
  • Eunjoon Kim:1 
  • 1:KAIST and IBS 

Symposium エルゼビア / NSR協賛シンポジウム

Exploring the novel molecular mechanisms of CNS synapse development. Toward understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S01p-6
  • Thomas C. Sudhof:1 
  • 1:HHMI, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, USA 


Perspectives and future directions in neuroscience of consciousness

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S02p-1
  • 金井 良太 / Ryota Kanai:1 
  • 1:サセックス大学 / University of Sussex 


Perspectives and future directions in neuroscience of consciousness

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S02p-3
  • Jakob Hohwy:1 
  • 1:Monash University 


Perspectives and future directions in neuroscience of consciousness

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S02p-4
  • Andrew M Haun:1 
  • 1:University of Wisconsin-Madison 


Perspectives and future directions in neuroscience of consciousness

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S02p-5
  • Biyu Jade He:1 
  • 1:National Institutes of Health 


Exploration of information processing for navigation using advanced multi-dimensional recording technology

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
  • 3S05p-1-1
  • 木村 幸太郎 / Kotaro Kimura:1 中井 淳一 / Junichi Nakai:2 橋本 浩一 / Koichi Hashimoto:3 
  • 1:大阪大院理生物科学 / Dept Biol Sci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 2:埼玉大院理工 / Grad Sch Sci Eng, Saitama Univ, Saitama, Japan 3:東北大院情報科学 / Grad Sch Info Sci, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan 


Exploration of information processing for navigation using advanced multi-dimensional recording technology

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
  • 3S05p-1-2
  • 高橋 晋 / Susumu Takahashi:1 
  • 1:同志社大院脳科学 / Grad Sch Brain Sci, Doshisha Univ, Kyotanabe, Japan 


Exploration of information processing for navigation using advanced multi-dimensional recording technology

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
  • 3S05p-1-3
  • 飛龍 志津子 / Shizuko Hiryu:1,2 
  • 1:同志社大生命医科学 / Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan 2:独立行政法人科学技術振興機構,さきがけ / JST, PRESTO 


Exploration of information processing for navigation using advanced multi-dimensional recording technology

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
  • 3S05p-1-4
  • 依田 憲 / Ken Yoda:1 
  • 1:名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科 / Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University 


Theoretical and experimental approach for the brain function

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
  • 3S05p-2-1
  • 松田 信爾 / Shinji Matsuda:1,2 
  • 1:電気通信大学大学院 情報理工学研究科 先進理工学専攻 / Dept of Engineering Science, Univ of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan 2:慶応義塾大学 医学部 生理学教室 / Dept of Physiol. Keio Univ. School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan 

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