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Theoretical and experimental approach for the brain function

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
  • 3S05p-2-2
  • 真仁田 聡 / Satoshi Manita:1 鈴木 崇之 / Takayuki Suzuki:1 本間 千尋 / Chihiro Homma:1 松元 崇 / Takashi Matsumoto:1 小田川 摩耶 / Maya Odagawa:1 山田 一之 / Kazuyuki Yamada:1 太田 桂輔 / Keisuke Ota:1,2 松原 智恵 / Chie Matsubara:1 犬束 歩 / Ayumu Inutsuka:3 佐藤 正晃 / Masaaki Sato:4,5 大倉 正道 / Masamichi Ohkura:6,7 山中 章弘 / Akihiro Yamanaka:3 柳川 右千夫 / Yuchio Yanagawa:8 中井 淳一 / Junichi Nakai:4,6,7 林 康紀 / Yasunori Hayashi:4,7 Matthew E. Larkum / Larkum E. Matthew:9 村山 正宜 / Masanori Murayama:1 
  • 1:理研BSI行動神経生理 / Lab. for Behavioral Neurophysiology, RIKEN BSI, Saitama, Japan 2:日本学術振興会特別研究員 / JSPS Research Fellow 3:名大・環境医学研究所 神経系分野Ⅱ / Dept. of Neuroscience II, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan 4:理研BSI / RIKEN BSI, Saitama, Japan 5:JSTさきがけ / JST, PRESTO, Saitama, Japan 6:埼玉大学理工学研究科 / Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama, Japan 7:埼玉大学脳末梢科学研究センター / Saitama University Brain Science Institute, Saitama, Japan 8: 群馬大・大学院医学系研究科・遺伝発達行動学分野 / Dept. of Genetic and Behavioral Neuroscience, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma, Japan 9:Neurocure Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany / Neurocure Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany  


Theoretical and experimental approach for the brain function

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
  • 3S05p-2-3
  • 吉原 良浩 / Yoshihiro Yoshihara:1 
  • 1:理研BSIシナプス分子機構 / RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Saitama, Japan 


Theoretical and experimental approach for the brain function

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
  • 3S05p-2-4
  • 佐藤 俊治 / Shunji Satoh:1 
  • 1:電通大院情報システム / Graduate School of Information Systems, Univ of Electro-Communications, Japan 


Theoretical and experimental approach for the brain function

  • Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
  • 3S05p-2-5
  • 樫森 与志喜 / Yoshiki Kashimori:1 
  • 1:電通大院先進理工 / Dept Engineering Science, Univ of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan 


microRNA and epigenetic changing in CNS

  • Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S06p-1
  • 行武 洋 / Hiroshi Yukitake:1 
  • 1:武田薬品工業株式会社 / Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Kanagawa, Japan 


microRNA and epigenetic changing in CNS

  • Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S06p-2
  • 古川 貴久 / Takahisa Furukawa:1,2 佐貫 理佳子 / Rikako Sanuki:1,2 
  • 1:大阪大蛋白研 / Inst Prot Res, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 2:科学技術振興機構CREST / JSTCREST, Tokyo, Japan 


microRNA and epigenetic changing in CNS

  • Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S06p-3
  • 西川 徹 / Toru Nishikawa:1,2 
  • 1:東医歯大院医歯総合精神行動医科学 / Dept Psychiatry Behav Sci, TMDU, Tokyo, Japan 2:東医歯大脳統合機能研究センター / CBIR, TMDU, Japan 


microRNA and epigenetic changing in CNS

  • Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S06p-4
  • 谷垣 健二 / Kenji Tanigaki:1 
  • 1:滋賀県立成人病センター 研究所 / Research Institute, Shiga Medical Center 


microRNA and epigenetic changing in CNS

  • Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/30 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
  • 3S06p-5
  • Minae Niwa:1 
  • 1:Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 


Brain/MINDS - A new program for comprehensive analyses of the brain

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/31 Time: 13:30 - 15:40
  • 4S01-1
  • 岡野 栄之 / Hideyuki Okano:1,2 
  • 1:独立行政法人理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター / Riken BSI 2:慶應義塾大学医学部 / Keio University School of Medicine 


Brain/MINDS - A new program for comprehensive analyses of the brain

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/31 Time: 13:30 - 15:40
  • 4S01-2
  • 銅谷 賢治 / Kenji Doya:1 石井 信 / Shin Ishii:2 山口 陽子 / Yoko Yamaguchi:3 
  • 1:沖縄科学技術大学院大学 神経計算ユニット / Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University 2:京都大学 / Kyoto University 3:理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター / RIKEN BSI 


Brain/MINDS - A new program for comprehensive analyses of the brain

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/31 Time: 13:30 - 15:40
  • 4S01-3
  • 宮脇 敦史 / Atsushi Miyawaki:1 
  • 1:理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター / Riken Brain Science Institute 


Brain/MINDS - A new program for comprehensive analyses of the brain

  • Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/31 Time: 13:30 - 15:40
  • 4S01-4
  • 松崎 政紀 / Masanori Matsuzaki:1 
  • 1:基礎生物学研究所 光脳回路研究部門 / Division of Brain Circuits, National Institute for Basic Biology 

Mini Symposium

Morphology of single axon projections as the basis for understanding multi-neuron systems

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS02-1
  • 杉原 泉 / Izumi Sugihara:1 上田 光人 / Mitsuhito Ueda:1 安藤 貴弘 / Takahiro Ando:1 羅 媛君 / Yuanjun Luo:1 
  • 1:東京医科歯科大学 大学院システム神経生理 / Dept Systems Neurophysiol, Tokyo Med and Dent Univ, Tokyo, Japan 

Mini Symposium

Morphology of single axon projections as the basis for understanding multi-neuron systems

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS02-2
  • 本多 祥子 / Yoshiko Honda:1 
  • 1:東京女子医大医解剖 / Dept Anatomy, Tokyo Women's Med Univ, Tokyo, Japan 

Mini Symposium

Morphology of single axon projections as the basis for understanding multi-neuron systems

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS02-3
  • 藤山 文乃 / Fumino Fujiyama:1,2 金子 武嗣 / Takeshi Kaneko:3 雲財 知 / Tomo Unzai:1,2 
  • 1:同志社大院・脳科学・神経回路形態 / Lab Neural Circuitry, Grad Sch Brain Sci, Doshisha Univ, Kyoto, Japan 2:JST, CREST / JST, CREST, Tokyo, Japan 3:京都大院・医・高次脳形態 / Dept Morphol Brain Sci, Univ of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan 

Mini Symposium

Morphology of single axon projections as the basis for understanding multi-neuron systems

  • Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS02-4
  • 江川 遼 / Ryo Egawa:1 石塚 徹 / Toru Ishizuka:1 八尾 寛 / Hiromu Yawo:1 
  • 1:東北大院生命科学脳機能解析 / Grad Sch Life Sci, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan 

Mini Symposium

New recipes for making glial cells from their precursors and iPS cells

  • Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS09-1
  • 長尾 元史 / Motoshi Nagao:1 
  • 1:国立障害者リハビリテーションセ運動機能系障害 / Dept Rehab for Movement Funct, Res Inst, NRCD 

Mini Symposium

New recipes for making glial cells from their precursors and iPS cells

  • Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS09-2
  • 鶴田 文憲 / Fuminori Tsuruta:1 岡島 智美 / Tomomi Okajima:1 金 材炫 / Jaehyun Kim:1 千葉 智樹 / Tomoki Chiba:1 
  • 1:筑波大 生命環境 / Grad. Sch. of Life and Env. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba 

Mini Symposium

New recipes for making glial cells from their precursors and iPS cells

  • Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
  • Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:30 - 16:30
  • 1MS09-3
  • 宮本 幸 / Yuki Miyamoto:1 山内 淳司 / Junji Yamauchi:1,2 
  • 1:(独)国立成育医療研究センター研究所 薬剤治療研究部 / Department of Pharmacology, National Research Institute for Child Health and Development 2:東京医歯大院医歯総合研 / Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 

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