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小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Results 3/81 pages (total hit:1616)
Symposium 日本リハビリテーション医学会後援シンポジウム
Recent advances in Neurorehabilitation based on Neuroscience: Joint Symposium of the Japanese of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S06a-5
- 水野 勝広 / Katsuhiro Mizuno:1
- 1:慶應義塾大学医学部 リハビリテーション医学教室 / Dept Rehab Med, Keio Univ School of Med, Tokyo, Japan
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease - The mechanisms which link neurodegeneration and memory impairment
- Place:Room 7 (Room 504,505, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S07a-1
- Martin Fuhrmann:1 Stefanie Poll:1 Lena Schmid:1 Julia Steffen:1 Jens Wagner:1 Boris Schmid:2
- 1:German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn 2:Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease - The mechanisms which link neurodegeneration and memory impairment
- Place:Room 7 (Room 504,505, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S07a-3
- Daoyun Ji:1
- 1:Baylor College of Medicine
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease - The mechanisms which link neurodegeneration and memory impairment
- Place:Room 7 (Room 504,505, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S07a-4
Revisiting the amyloid hypothesis in Alzheimer's disease: a role for amyloid-beta precursor in early network alterations
- Romain Goutagny:1
- 1:CNRS UMR7364-Universit? de Strasbourg
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease - The mechanisms which link neurodegeneration and memory impairment
- Place:Room 7 (Room 504,505, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S07a-5
- 嗅内皮質のタウ病変が、連合学習中の海馬と前頭前皮質神経活動へ与える相反した影響
Entorhinal tau pathology alters the balance of the hippocampal versus prefrontal engagement during associative memory formation
- 西内(竹原) 可織 / Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi:1
- 1:Dept Psych, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, Canada / Dept Psych, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease - The mechanisms which link neurodegeneration and memory impairment
- Place:Room 7 (Room 504,505, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S07a-6
- 木村 哲也 / Tetsuya Kimura:1
- 1:国立長寿医療セ / Dept Aging Neurosci, NCGG, Japan
Oscillations and interactions in neural networks
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S08a-1
- Ole Jensen:1
- 1:Radboud University
Oscillations and interactions in neural networks
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S08a-2
- 報酬推論課題におけるサル前頭前野と線条体の相互作用
Signal interaction between primate prefrontal cortex and striatum in reward inference task
- 坂上 雅道 / Masamichi Sakagami:1 潘 曉川 / Pan Xiaochuan:2
- 1:玉川大脳研 / Brain Sci Inst, Tamagawa Univ, Tokyo, Japan 2:Inst for Cognitive Neurodynamics, Sch of Sci, ECUST, Shanghai, China / Inst for Cognitive Neurodynamics, Sch of Sci, ECUST, Shanghai, China
Oscillations and interactions in neural networks
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S08a-3
- 経頭蓋磁気刺激によるヒトの脳活動の振動同期と情報流の変調
TMS modulation of synchronous neural oscillations and information flow in the human brain
- 北城 圭一 / Keiichi Kitajo:1
- 1:理研BSIトヨタ連携センター / BSI-Toyota Collaboration Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Saitama, Japan
Oscillations and interactions in neural networks
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S08a-4
- Flavio Frohlich:1
- 1:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Oscillations and interactions in neural networks
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S08a-5
- 経頭蓋交流電流刺激を用いた脳領域間結合の操作
Control of effective connectivity through transcranial alternating current stimulation
- 森島 陽介 / Yosuke Morishima:1,2
- 1:ベルン大学精神科病院 / University Hospital of Psychiatry, Univ of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 2:JSTさきがけ「細胞構成」領域 / JST PRESTO, Japan
Back to basics. Neurobiology of the social brain
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S09a-1
- Hackjin Kim:1 Sunhae Sul:2 Daehyun Jung:1
- 1:Department of Psychology, Korea University, Korea 2:Dartmouth College, USA
Back to basics. Neurobiology of the social brain
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S09a-2
- 磯田 昌岐 / Masaki Isoda:1
- 1:関西医大医第二生理 / Dept Physiol, Kansai Med Univ, Osaka, Japan
Back to basics. Neurobiology of the social brain
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S09a-3
- Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn:1 Arndis Simonsen:2 Chris Frith:2 Nathaniel Daw:3
- 1:University of Sussex 2:Aarhus University 3:New York University
Back to basics. Neurobiology of the social brain
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S09a-4
- 向社会行動における前頭前野と扁桃体の異なる働き
Different fuctional roles of the dosolateral prefrontal cortex and amygdala in human prosocial behavior
- 春野 雅彦 / Masahiko Haruno:1
- 1:NICT Cinet / NICT Cinet
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Integration of Top-down/Bottom-up approaches in research of the cerebellum
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S10a-1
- 前庭動眼反射運動学習の刺激周波数に対する汎化とそのメカニズム
Mechanisms for stimulus generalization of learned changes in the vestibulo-ocular reflex
- 加藤 明 / Akira Katoh:1 Raymond L Jennifer / Jennifer L Raymond:2
- 1:東海大創造科学技術研究機構 / Institute of Innovative Science and Technology, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan 2:Dep Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, USA / Dep Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Integration of Top-down/Bottom-up approaches in research of the cerebellum
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S10a-2
Role of GABAergic inhibition in the vestibular signal transformation carried out by the cerebellar nodulus and uvula
- Tatyana A Yakusheva:1 Dora E Angelaki:2 Pablo M Blazquez:1
- 1:Department of Otolaryngology, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine, MO, USA 2:Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Integration of Top-down/Bottom-up approaches in research of the cerebellum
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S10a-3
- 小島 奉子 / Yoshiko Kojima:1
- 1:Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, USA / Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Integration of Top-down/Bottom-up approaches in research of the cerebellum
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S10a-4
- 山﨑 匡 / Tadashi Yamazaki:1
- 1:電通大院情報理工 / Dept Inf Com Eng, Univ of Electro-Comm, Tokyo, Japan
小脳研究における Top-down 型/Bottom-up 型アプローチとその融合
Integration of Top-down/Bottom-up approaches in research of the cerebellum
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 1S10a-5
- Yutaka Hirata:1 Ruben-Dario Pinzon-Morales:1
- 1:Dept. Computer Science, Chubu University Graduate School of Engineering, Kasugai, Japan