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Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Results 4/81 pages (total hit:1616)
Information processing and circuit formation by neural activity
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 1S01p-1
- Michael Paul Stryker:1
- 1:Center for Integrative Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, CA USA
Information processing and circuit formation by neural activity
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 1S01p-2
- Andrea Benucci:1
- 1:RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Information processing and circuit formation by neural activity
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 1S01p-3
- 視覚野の生得的回路に由来する方位選択性は神経活動により再構成される
Neuronal activity reorganizes orientation selectivity derived from innate circuits in visual cortex
- 大木 研一 / Kenichi Ohki:1,2
- 1:九州大院医分子生理 / Dept Mol Physiol, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan 2:JST-CREST / JST-CREST
Information processing and circuit formation by neural activity
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 1S01p-4
- Daniel Kerschensteiner:1
- 1:Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, USA
Information processing and circuit formation by neural activity
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 1S01p-5
Unique activity-dependent rules governing synapse refinement and integration of distinct excitatory neuronal populations in developing hippocampal circuits
- Hisashi Umemori:1
- 1:Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Creation of brain structure and function -From cellular interaction to social interaction and environmental factors-
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S05p-1-1
- 大脳進化過程において転写因子Dbx1は神経細胞の運命決定に関与する
Neuronal fate conversion by Dbx1 during rodent cortical development and primate evolution
- 新井 洋子 / Yoko Arai:1
- 1:フランス国立科学研究センター ジャコブ・モノー研究所 / INSTITUT JACQUES-MONOD, CNRS UMR 7592, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Creation of brain structure and function -From cellular interaction to social interaction and environmental factors-
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S05p-1-2
- 個体間相互作用に依存した社会性行動の進化とその制御機構の解明
Regulatory mechanisms of social behavior in ants; insights into social evolution
- 古藤 日子 / Akiko Koto:1,2 田原 拓樹 / Hiroki Tahara:1 Keller Laurent / Laurent Keller:3 三浦 正幸 / Masayuki Miura:1,2
- 1:東京大学大学院薬学系研究科遺伝学教室 / Dept Genetics, Grad Sch of Pharm Sci, Univ Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2:CREST / CREST 3:Dept Ecology & Evolution, Univ Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland / Dept Ecology & Evolution, Univ Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Creation of brain structure and function -From cellular interaction to social interaction and environmental factors-
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S05p-1-3
- 鳥居-橋本 和枝 / Kazue Hashimoto-Torii:1,2,3
- 1:Center for Neuroscience Research, Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC, USA / Center for Neuroscience Research, Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC, USA 2: Department of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Physiology, The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA / Department of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Physiology, The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA 3:Department of Neurobiology, Yale University, New Haven, USA / Department of Neurobiology, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Creation of brain structure and function -From cellular interaction to social interaction and environmental factors-
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S05p-1-4
- 野村 真 / Tadashi Nomura:1
- 1:京都府立医科大学・大学院神経発生生物学 / Dev Neurobiol, Kyoto Pref Univ Med, Kyoto, Japan
Why do we choose to eat, or not to eat? Mechanisms for food preference, food reward, and anorexia.
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S05p-2-1
- 視床下部室傍核AMPKによる食物選択行動の調節機構
AMP-activated Protein Kinase in CRH Neurons in the PVH Controls Food Selection Behavior
- 岡本 士毅 / Shiki Okamoto:1 箕越 靖彦 / Yasuhiko Minokoshi:1
- 1:生理学研究所 生殖・内分泌系発達機構研究部門 / Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Why do we choose to eat, or not to eat? Mechanisms for food preference, food reward, and anorexia.
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S05p-2-2
- 嗜好性に基づく摂食の調節機構:おいしさと脳内報酬系の関連
Food palatability and hedonic overconsumption: the role of the brain reward system
- 八十島 安伸 / Yasunobu Yasoshima:1 志村 剛 / Tsuyoshi Shimura:1
- 1:大阪大院人間科学行動生理 / Div Behav Physiol, Dept Human Sci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan
Why do we choose to eat, or not to eat? Mechanisms for food preference, food reward, and anorexia.
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S05p-2-3
- Lori M. Zeltser:1
- 1:Columbia University
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology -NS pericytes and disease-: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S06p-1-1
- 伊藤 義彰 / Yoshiaki Itoh:1
- 1:大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科神経内科 / Department of Neurology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology -NS pericytes and disease-: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S06p-1-2
- ヒト血液脳関門・血液神経関門由来ペリサイトの細胞学
Cellular properties of pericytes in human blood-brain barrier and blood-nerve barrier
- 神田 隆 / Takashi Kanda:1
- 1:山口大院医神経内科学 / Dept Neurol Clin Neurosci, Yamaguchi Univ, Ube, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology -NS pericytes and disease-: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S06p-1-3
- 脳白質の血管周囲におけるペリサイトとオリゴデンドロサイト前駆細胞の相互作用
Pericytes interact with oligodendrocyte precursor cells in perivascular region in cerebral white matter
- 眞木 崇州 / Takakuni Maki:1
- 1:マサチューセッツ総合病院神経・放射線学 / Dept Neurol and Radiol, MGH, Charlestown, MA, USA
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology -NS pericytes and disease-: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S06p-1-4
- 加藤 泰介 / Taisuke Kato:1 関根 有美 / Yumi Sekine:2 野崎 洋明 / Hiroaki Nozaki:2 廣川 祥子 / Sachiko Hirokawa:1 藤田 菜摘 / Natsumi Fujita:1 佐藤 俊哉 / Toshiya Sato:3 西澤 正豊 / Masatoyo Nishizawa:2 小野寺 理 / Osamu Onodera:1
- 1:新潟大学脳研究所分子神経疾患資源解析学分野 / Dept Mol Neurosci, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan 2:新潟大学脳研究所神経内科学分野 / Dept Neurol, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan 3:北里大学医学部実験動物学 / Dept Lab Animal Sci, Kitasato Univ, School of Med
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Pericytology 周皮細胞と神経病態ー微小環境に眼をむけるー(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Pericytology -NS pericytes and disease-: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 1S06p-1-5
- 周皮細胞における骨形成タンパク質4の発現は認知症性疾患の大脳白質病変と相関する
Bone morphogenetic protein-4 expression by pericytes correlates with white matter damage in dementing disorders
- 猪原 匡史 / Masafumi Ihara:1
- 1:国立循環器病研究センター脳神経内科 / Dept Stroke and CVDs, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Biomarker development for psychiatric disorders
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S06p-2-1
- 遺伝子改変マウスの表現型解析を起点とした精神疾患研究
Brain-behavior phenotyping of genetically engineered mice in research of psychiatric disorders
- 高雄 啓三 / Keizo Takao:1
- 1:生理学研究所 行動・代謝分子解析センター 行動様式解析室 / Section of Behavior Patterns, Center for Genetic Analysis of Behavior, NIPS, Aichi, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Biomarker development for psychiatric disorders
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S06p-2-2
- 毛根細胞を利用した精神疾患の診断補助バイオマーカーの開発
Scalp hair follicles as a biological resource beneficial for diagnosis of psychiatric diseases
- 前川 素子 / Motoko Maekawa:1 吉川 武男 / Takeo Yoshikawa:1
- 1:理研BSI分子精神科学 / Lab for Molecular Psychiatry, RIKEN BSI
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Biomarker development for psychiatric disorders
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/28 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 1S06p-2-3
- 文東 美紀 / Miki Bundo:1 加藤 忠史 / Tadafumi Kato:2 岩本 和也 / Kazuya Iwamoto:1
- 1:東京大院医分子精神 / Dept Molecular Psychiatry, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2:理研BSI精神疾患動態 / Lab for Molecular Dynamics of Mental Disorders, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan