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産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
Results 7/81 pages (total hit:1616)
Integrative research of neuro-glycoscience reveals new mechanisms for regulating brain function.
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S08a-5
- 小胞体糖核酸トランスポーターMeigoによる樹状突起ターゲティング制御機構
An ER-resident nucleotide sugar transporter, Meigo regulates dendrite targeting specificity in Drosophila olfactory circuit
- 千原 崇裕 / Takahiro Chihara:1,2 関根 清薫 / Sayaka Sekine:1 森谷 浩幸 / Hiroyuki Moriya:1 三浦 正幸 / Masayuki Miura:1,2
- 1:東京大院薬遺伝学 / Dept Genetics, Grad Sch of Pharm Sci, Univ of Tokyo 2:CREST / CREST
Integrative research of neuro-glycoscience reveals new mechanisms for regulating brain function.
- Place:Room 8 (Room 2A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S08a-6
- 山下 俊英 / Toshihide Yamashita:1
- 1:大阪大院医分子神経科学 / Dept Mol Neurosci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan
Cutting edge of research in neural substrates of material perception
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S09a-1
- 西田 眞也 / Shin'ya Nishdia:1
- 1:NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研 / NTT Communication Science Labs, Kanagawa, Japan
Cutting edge of research in neural substrates of material perception
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S09a-2
- Karl R Gegenfurtner:1
- 1:Giessen University
Cutting edge of research in neural substrates of material perception
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S09a-3
- 鈴木 匡子 / Kyoko Suzuki:1
- 1:山形大院医高次脳機能障害 / Dept Clin Neurosci, Yamagata Univ Grad Sch of Med
Cutting edge of research in neural substrates of material perception
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S09a-4
- 脳における素材情報表現:視触覚経験の影響
Neural representation of material properties of objects in visual cortex: Impact of visuo-tactile experiences
- 郷田 直一 / Naokazu Goda:1,2
- 1:生理研生体情報感覚認知 / Division of Sensory and Cognitive Information, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan 2:総研大院生命科学生理 / SOKENDAI, Okazaki, Japan
Basic and psychological research on microglia
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S10a-1
- Gwenn Garden:1 Wei Su:1 Macarena Aloi:2
- 1:Neurology, University of Washington, USA 2:Pathology, University of Washington, USA
Basic and psychological research on microglia
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S10a-2
- 甲状腺機能異常と精神疾患におけるグリアの役割
Possible role of glial cells in the relationship between thyroid dysfunction and mental disorders
- 野田 百美 / Mami Noda:1 吉井 佑典 / Yusuke Yoshii:1 劉 佳黛 / Jiadai Liu:1
- 1:九州大院薬病態生理 / Lab Pathophysiol, Grad Sch Pharm Sci, Kyushu Univ, Japan
Basic and psychological research on microglia
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S10a-3
- 富田 博秋 / Hiroaki Tomita:1,2,3
- 1:東北大学 災害科学国際研究所 災害精神医学分野 / Dept Disaster Psychiatry, Intl Research Inst Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan 2:東北大学 大学院医学系研究科 災害精神医学分野 / Dept Disaster Psychiatry, Grad School Med, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 3:東北大学 東北メディカル・メガバンク機構 / Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku Univ
Basic and psychological research on microglia
- Place:Room 10 (Room 3B, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 8:50 - 11:00
- 2S10a-4
- ヒト・ミクログリアに焦点付けた橋渡し研究(血液誘導ミクログリア様細胞/ミノサイクリン投薬試験)
Translational research focusing on human microglia (human blood induced microglia-like (iMG) cells / minocycline-trial)
- 加藤 隆弘 / Takahiro A. Kato:1,2 扇谷 昌宏 / Masahiro Ohgidani:1 渡部 幹 / Motoki Watabe:3 神庭 重信 / Shigenobu Kanba:1
- 1:九州大学大学院医学研究院精神病態医学分野 / Dept Neuropsychiatry, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan 2:九州大学 先端融合医療レドックスナビ研究拠点 / Brain Res Unit, Innovation Cent for Med Redox Navi, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan 3:モナッシュ大学マレーシア校経済学部 / Monash Univ, Sch of Business, Sunway, Malaysia
Cutting-edge researches on mechanisms of memory storage and expression
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S01p-1
- 前脳時計機能による記憶想起のサーカディアン制御機構の解析
Mechanisms of time-dependent regulation of memory retrieval by forebrain circadian clock
- 喜田 聡 / Satoshi Kida:1
- 1:東京農大応用生物バイオ / Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan
Cutting-edge researches on mechanisms of memory storage and expression
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S01p-2
- Paul W Frankland:1
- 1:Hospital for Sick Children
Cutting-edge researches on mechanisms of memory storage and expression
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S01p-3
A Novel Mechanism Underlying Long-term Memory Formation: Generation of Multi-Innervated Dendritic Spines
- Karl Giese:1
- 1:King's College London
Cutting-edge researches on mechanisms of memory storage and expression
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S01p-4
- Mauro Costa Mattioli:1
- 1:Baylor College of Medicine
Cutting-edge researches on mechanisms of memory storage and expression
- Place:Room 1 (Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S01p-5
- Brian Wiltgen:1
- 1:UC Davis
Symposium ※本プログラムは日本語で行われます。
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
Symposium on Industrial ? Academic Collaboration
- Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S02p-1
- うつ症状の予兆検出から予防へと活用されるEMA~産学連携による今後の医療ビジネスへの展望について~
Early detection and prevention of depression symptoms by EMA ~ Perspectives for future clinical business by industry-academia collaboration
- 吉内 一浩 / Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi:1 山本 義春 / Yoshiharu Yamamoto:2 中村 亨 / Toru Nakamura:2 金 鎭赫 / Jinhyuk Kim:2
- 1:東京大院医ストレス防御・心身医学 / Dept Stress Sciences and Psychosomatic Medicine, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2:東京大院教育身体教育 / Dept Physical and Health Education, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium ※本プログラムは日本語で行われます。
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
Symposium on Industrial ? Academic Collaboration
- Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S02p-2
- 心理・生理・行動・環境データを活用した快適性評価手法の確立に向けた産学連携の取り組み現状と今後の可能性
Current status and future perspectives of industry-academia research activities aiming to establish a method to evaluate comfort by using psychological, physiological, behavioral and ecological data
- 山本 義春 / Yoshiharu Yamamoto:1 吉内 一浩 / Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi:2 中村 亨 / Toru Nakamura:1 金 鎭赫 / Jinhyuk Kim:1
- 1:東京大院教育身体教育 / Dept Physical and Health Education, Univ of Tokyo, Japan 2:東京大院医ストレス防御・心身医学 / Dept Stress Sciences and Psychosomatic Medicine, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Symposium ※本プログラムは日本語で行われます。
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
Symposium on Industrial ? Academic Collaboration
- Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S02p-3
- フジクラグループ健康経営とライフログを活用した快適オフィス環境の創造
The Healthcare management at Fujikura Group and creating a comfortable work environment using lifelog
- 浅野 健一郎 / Ken-Ichiro Asano:1
- 1:株式会社フジクラ 人事・総務部 健康経営推進室 / Healthcare Strategy Group, Human Resource & General Affairs Division, Fujikura Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium ※本プログラムは日本語で行われます。
産学連携シンポジウム 産学連携による医療・健康ビジネスの創出
Symposium on Industrial ? Academic Collaboration
- Place:Room 2 (International Conference Room, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S02p-4
- ビッグデータ解析による建物管理システムから産学連携による「快適管理」への取組み
From building management system using big data analysis to "comfortable management" by industry-academia collaboration
- 石川 敦雄 / Atsuo Ishikawa:1
- 1:株式会社竹中工務店 技術本部 技術企画部 / Technology Planning, Technology Department, Takenaka Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Developmental changes of neuronal network caused by fetal and neonatal spontaneous activities and its clinical meanings
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S05p-1-1
- Julian Heng:1
- 1:University of Western Australia