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Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Results 8/81 pages (total hit:1616)
Developmental changes of neuronal network caused by fetal and neonatal spontaneous activities and its clinical meanings
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S05p-1-2
- 新生児体動と神経発達に関する臨床的解析の試みと展望
Outlook and initiatives of clinical association analysis between neural development and neonatal activity
- 田島 世貴 / Seiki Tajima:1
- 1:兵庫県立リハビリテーション中央病院 子どもの睡眠と発達医療センター / Hypo Children's Sleep and Development Medical Research Center
Developmental changes of neuronal network caused by fetal and neonatal spontaneous activities and its clinical meanings
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S05p-1-3
- 諸隈 誠一 / Seiichi Morokuma:1
- 1:九州大病院産科婦人科 / Dept Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan
Developmental changes of neuronal network caused by fetal and neonatal spontaneous activities and its clinical meanings
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S05p-1-4
- 周産期における呼吸性活動と胎動性活動について
Respiratory activity and fetal movement in the neuronal network development of the perinatal period
- 荒田 晶子 / Akiko Arata:1
- 1:兵庫医大医生理(生体機能) / Div of Physiome, Dept of Physiol, Hyogo College of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan
Neural circuits and behaviors in the zebrafish
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S05p-2-1
- ゼブラフィッシュ胸びれのリズム運動を司る神経回路の解析
Neuronal circuits that control rhythmic pectoral fin movements in larval zebrafish
- 東島 真一 / Shin-Ichi Higashishima:1
- 1:自然科学研究機構岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター / Natl Inst of Natural Sciences, Okazaki Inst for Integrative Bioscience
Neural circuits and behaviors in the zebrafish
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S05p-2-2
- 川上 浩一 / Koichi Kawakami:1 Lal Pradeep / Pradeep Lal:1 田辺 英幸 / Hideyuki Tanabe:1 武藤 彩 / Akira Muto:1,2 伊藤 万里 / Mari Itoh:1 岩崎 美紀 / Miki Iwasaki:1
- 1:国立遺伝学研究所初期発生研究部門 / Div. of Mol. Dev. Biol., National Institute of Genetics 2:総合研究大学院大学遺伝学専攻 / Dep. Genetics, Sokendai
Neural circuits and behaviors in the zebrafish
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S05p-2-3
- 岡本 仁 / Hitoshi Okamoto:1
- 1:理研BSI発生遺伝子制御 / RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Neural circuits and behaviors in the zebrafish
- Place:Room 5 (Room 501, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S05p-2-4
- Florian Engert:1,2
- 1:Harvard University 2:National Institute of Genetics (Visiting Professor), Mishima, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Uncovering pathophysioology of psychiatric symptoms with multimodal MRIs and their clinical applications: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S06p-1-1
- 岡田 佳代 / Kayo Okada:1,2 中尾 智博 / Tomohiro Nakao:1
- 1:九州大院精神病態医学 / Dept Neuropsychiatry , Univ of Kyushu , Fukuoka ,Japan 2:桶狭間病院藤田こころケアセンター / Okehazama Hospital, Aichi ,Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Uncovering pathophysioology of psychiatric symptoms with multimodal MRIs and their clinical applications: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S06p-1-2
- 渡部 喬光 / Takamitsu Watanabe:1
- 1:Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, London, UK / Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, London, UK
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Uncovering pathophysioology of psychiatric symptoms with multimodal MRIs and their clinical applications: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S06p-1-3
- 宮田 淳 / Jun Miyata:1
- 1:京都大院医精神 / Dept Psychiatry, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Uncovering pathophysioology of psychiatric symptoms with multimodal MRIs and their clinical applications: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 16:40
- 2S06p-1-4
- 岡田 剛 / Go Okada:1
- 1:広島大学大学院 精神神経医科学 / Dept. of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Hiroshima Univ, Hiroshima, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S06p-2-1
- 布村 渉 / Wataru Nunomura:1,2
- 1:秋田大院工資生命 / Dept Life Sci, Akita Univ, Akita, Japan 2:秋田大理工研セ / Res Cent Engin Sci, Akita Univ, Akita, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S06p-2-2
- PINK1、Parkin、ユビキチンがパーキンソン病発症を抑制する仕組み
How PINK1- and Parkin-catalyzed ubiquitylation prevents Parkinson's disease
- 松田 憲之 / Noriyuki Matsuda:1
- 1:東京都医学総合研 / Tokyo Metro Inst of Med Sci, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium 基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease(基礎-臨床連携シンポジウム)
Cutting-edge research of Parkinson's disease: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Collaboration Symposium
- Place:Room 6 (Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 16:40 - 18:10
- 2S06p-2-3
- Necdinによるニューロン内ミトコンドリア生合成の促進:実験的パーキンソニズムにおける神経保護
Promotion of neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis by necdin: Neuroprotection in experimental parkinsonism
- 吉川 和明 / Kazuaki Yoshikawa:1 長谷川 孝一 / Koichi Hasegawa:1 安田 徹 / Toru Yasuda:2 望月 秀樹 / Hideki Mochizuki:3
- 1:大阪大蛋白研 / Inst Prot Res, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 2:国立成育医療セ研究所 / Dept Hum Genet, NCCHD, Tokyo, Japan 3:大阪大院医 / Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-1
- 経験依存的シナプス除去による体部位情報の先鋭化
Large-scale somatotopic refinement via experience-dependent synapse elimination in the whisker sensory thalamus
- 宮田 麻理子 / Mariko Miyata:1,2 竹内 雄一 / Yuichi Takeuchi:1 片山 洋子 / Yoko Katayama:1
- 1:東京女子医科大学・医学部・第一生理 / Dept. of Physiol., Sch. of Medicine, Tokyo Women 's Med. Univ., Tokyo, Japan 2:さきがけ・科学技術振興機構 / PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama, Japan
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-2
- Beth Stevens:1
- 1:Boston Children's hospital; Harvard Medical School
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-3
- C1qファミリー分子を介する新規シナプス競合・成熟化機構の解明
A novel mechanism underlying synaptic competition and maturation through C1q-family proteins
- 掛川 渉 / Wataru Kakegawa:1,2 柚﨑 通介 / Michisuke Yuzaki:1,2
- 1:慶應大医生理 / Dept Physiol, Keio Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan 2:JST-CREST / JST-CREST, Tokyo, Japan
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-4
- 発達期小脳の登上線維シナプス除去に関わる逆行性シグナリング
Retrograde signaling involved in climbing fiber synapse elimination in the developing cerebellum
- 狩野 方伸 / Masanobu Kano:1 上阪 直史 / Naofumi Uesaka:1
- 1:東京大院医神経生理 / 1) Dept Neurophysiol, Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-5
- 生体タイムラプスイメージングによる小脳顆粒細胞樹状突起形成の解析
In vivo time-lapse imaging of dendritic refinement in the cerebellar granule cells
- 西山 洋 / Hiroshi Nishiyama:1 Hantman W Adam / Adam W Hantman:2 Dhar Matasha / Matasha Dhar:1
- 1:Center Learn Mem, Dept Neurosci, Univ of Texas Austin, Austin, USA / Center Learn Mem, Dept Neurosci, Univ of Texas Austin, Austin, USA 2:Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, USA / Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, USA
Frontiers in synapse pruning for the formation of neuronal circuits
- Place:Room 9 (Room 3A, Kobe International Exhibition Hall)
- Date: 2015/7/29 Time: 15:10 - 17:20
- 2S09p-6
- 局所性カルシウムシグナルによる不要樹状突起の選択的除去機構
Compartmentalized calcium transients in dendrite pruning of Drosophila sensory neurons
- 榎本 和生 / Kazuo Emoto:1
- 1:東京大院理生物科学 / Dept Biol Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Japan